3 Easy Rehab Exercises for Low-Back Pain

This is the 2nd part of a 3-part series on low back health. Part 1 of this series highlighted 5 Easy Stretches for Low-Back Pain. Part 3 will focus on Lifestyle Changes for Low-Back Pain.

Clay doing a 250lbs keg over bar for reps in the 2015 Granite State Strongman Championships
Clay doing a 250lbs keg over bar for reps in the 2015 Granite State Strongman Championships (with 3 herniated disks)

If you’re interested in learning more about WHY I’m so passionate about sharing all of this, read the beginning of Part 1 in this series. 

The list below is a series of rehab exercises that I learned from Physical Therapy, my chiropractor, and my osteopath. I’ve paid a lot of money to learn these and some of the tips on how to do them right, which I share with you below.

Do them at least on the days you lift.

1. Rubber Band Hip Abduction

The rubber band hip abduction exercise has become my go-to for both back health and sports performance. I’ve found that not only does it stabilize my low back and sacrum, but it also helps with glute activation – something I’ve been fighting for 18 months while rehabbing my injuries. This is to teach your core how to engage and properly help hold the lumbar spine in a safe position.

10 reps, 1-second hold x 2 sets

2. Rubberband Hip Bridge

The rubber band hip bridge is the follow-on exercise to the simple abduction. I do this every time I warm up for squats and deadlifts to ensure that I am getting better glute engagement.

10 reps, 1-second hold x 2 sets

3.Rubber Band Hip Adduction

I find this is an exercise that helps reset my hips into the right position if they are feeling out of whack. I try to do it before lifts but I also do it at night after a heavy squat or deadlift.

10 reps, 10-second hold x 2 sets