I gave 1-on-1 coaching a try as a senior in high school trying to make the jump to college football. That’s when I was introduced to my good friend, the barbell. I have gone on to play at the college level, win bodybuilding competitions and progress through the ranks of amateur wrestling. Working with the coaches of Ektelo laid the groundwork for what I’m doing today and I carry forward the principles I learned from them.

-Wolfgang Danger, Mayville State Football and Professional Wrestler

Wolfgang Danger

The Problem with “Personal Training”

It’s not that trainers and coaches don’t have good intentions. Many coaches stop learning and researching once they find something that works.

  • When coaches skip the basics, there is an increased chance of injury.
  • Imbalances and weaknesses appear when coaches don’t take a systematic and scientific approach.
  • Many coaches plan one session ahead and lose sight of the big picture.

A Personalized Solution

Our training focuses on a foundation of strength – mental and physical. To be honest, it’s not as flashy as a lot of our competitors and requires real dedication. It also works.

  • Custom tailored to your weaknesses and the demands of your sport.
  • When done correctly – strength training and weightlifting do not mean you get big, bulky, or slow.
  • Endurance and female athletes likely have the most to gain with strength training.

How it Works with Ektelo

We have trained athletes pursuing a Division I football scholarship and State Champion Nordic Skiers. What did both have in common? We started with their performance goals.

  • Work 1-on-1 or in a small group directly with Lindsay or Clay.
  • Training is designed specifically around off-season and other obligations.
  • Meet one or two times per week for a minimum of 8 sessions.

What You Get from 1-on-1 Coaching

It sounds like a cliché, but you get what you put into it. We will commit to providing you the coaching and tools to reach your goals.

  • Assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, and how they apply to your goals.
  • Personalized programming – including workouts to do on your own.
  • Accountability and a partner that cares about your success as much as you do.