What’s In A Name?

Ektelo translates to perform in Greek. Why Greece? Because it is the home of athletics as we know it. As a company rooted in the fundamentals of athletic performance, it only seemed fitting to choose a name that originates at the start of things.

Coach Lindsay

Three Random Questions for Lindsay:

Q: Coolest place you’ve ever been?
A: The top of the world – Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Okay maybe just the top of North America, but driving the Haul Road and watching the sun not set was an unforgettable experience. Now to tackle Patagonia!

Q: Three things you take with you to a desert island:
A: An encyclopedia (because I’m a closet nerd) a floaty chair (because it’s a land chair AND a raft!) and a sharp knife because the rescuers would leave me if I was hangry.

Q: What keeps you up at night?
A: My pesky daytime napping habit.

What do you get when you combine a former ballet dancer and stunt cheerleader with squat shoes and atlas stones? Me!

I have always been an athlete in one form or another. Growing up I transitioned from a full-time dancer to a national champion stunt cheerleader. Then I drove to Alaska, which is when everything changed. I attended the Starting Strength seminar hosted by Mark Rippetoe, and as corny as it sounds, it changed my life forever.

The five-day class taught strength – both mental and physical. I have always felt comfortable in the gym, but from that point on I knew that there was something special about picking up heavy things. It allowed me to combine a lifelong interest in nutrition and healthy living with physical activity. Since then, I have crushed goals, gained confidence and unlocked a mental toughness that was dormant for 23 years.

I started strength training in 2012 as a 140lbs woman. Guess what?! After setting state powerlifting records and finishing in the top of the field in strongman, CrossFit, and triathlons – I still look like a girl (and weigh the same)! It might sound silly, but one of my biggest personal motivators as a coach is showing women that they can be strong, feminine and pretty… and STRONG!

Coach Lindsay Spartan Race Competition
Lindsay crawling to the finish at the Cambridge, UK Spartan Race in 2013

Coach Clay

coach Clay Afghanistan Tactical Athlete

Three Random Questions for Clay:

Q: Favorite Beer?
A: Denali Single Engine Red. It’s worth the drive to Alaska. Get in the car, now.

Q: What’s your guilty pleasure?
A: I have a special place in my heart for Kesha while I’m lifting. Don’t judge.

Q: Something you firmly believe in?
A: Squats should be below parallel.

What’s the logical thing to do the week after completing an MBA? Start reading the CSCS textbook and launch a new business, of course! I firmly believe that my purpose in life is to try to put physical therapists and osteopaths out of business.

I spent five years as a Ranger-qualified Army Paratrooper. While serving, I led some of the finest men in America into combat, graduated from some of the most prestigious military schools and set records. None of this was because I’m a natural athlete. I was the fat kid who was supposed to quit military school after a week. It took blood, sweat, vomit, and tears to learn that hard work makes up for God-given talent every day of the week.

The miles added up quickly, and now I have to work through herniated disks and two knees that are missing some critical pieces. It took a while to learn that I needed to Train Hard AND Train Smart. Even though I’m beat up, it would’ve been a lot worse if I was not strong. In the words of Mark Rippetoe, strong people are hard to kill.”

I want nothing more than to work with athletes – young and old – to help them stay injury free and excel. I want our Sports Athletes to set personal records, win races and prove their doubters wrong and I want Tactical Athletes to kick ass and make it home to their families at the end of the day.

coach Clay Afghanistan Tactical Athlete

Have a question or interested in joining our team? We’d love to hear from you!